Comunicato stampa 06 Dic 2021 CCE and enernovum sell partial portfolio of their Italian photovoltaic pipeline (IT) The successful joint venture of CCE and enernovum has concluded another very successful transaction for Italian photovoltaic projects. The two… Enernovum
Comunicato stampa 30 Nov 2021 CCE – Clean Capital Energy inaugurates the “La Huella” photovoltaic plant in Chile with a festive ceremony (IT) The solar power plant built in the municipality of La Higuera, north of Santiago de Chile, will in future feed… Enernovum
Comunicato stampa Martin Dürnberger (CEO CCE Holding) & Jörg Menyesch (COO CCE Holding) 09 Nov 2021 Clean Capital Energy and enernovum establish shared holding company (IT) After years of successful cooperation, the two companies, Clean Capital Energy from Austria and enernovum from Germany, are taking a… Enernovum
Comunicato stampa 25 Mar 2021 Successful grid connection at CCE’s “La Huella” project in Chile (IT) Construction works on the 87-megawattpeak solar power plant in the Chilean Atacama Desert are in the final phase. With the… Enernovum
Comunicato stampa 01 Mar 2021 CCE concludes third power purchase agreement in Chile (IT) At the beginning of 2021, the CLEAN CAPITAL ENERGY Group achieved another milestone at its "La Huella" project in Chile.… Enernovum
Comunicato stampa 23 Nov 2020 Experts in photovoltaics are cooperating in the expansion of solar power generation in Europe (IT) CCE – Clean Capital Energy and enernovum are further expanding their photovoltaic pipeline in Italy / First grid parity project… Enernovum